Saturday, May 23, 2009,2933,523581,00.html


abortion is the termination of pregnancy but after 28 weeks of pregnancy abortion is considered illegal. this doctor was performing late pregnancy abortions and because of that people protested against him. he was shot dead at a church. there were many protests against held against him but he stilled continued his practice. he was even shot earlier. the people saw his practice as illegal and unethical.

Should the doctor who was shot be responsible for this or the women who come for the abortion be responsible. The women were the ones who got the abortion done, the doctor was earning a living by doing that. In retrospect the people acted because of rage, they should not have shot the doctor but tried him in a court of law. The women who had come in for the abortion should have thought about it before having intercourse. However the complete responsibility of the doctors death does not fall completely on the women but also himself.

is abortion ethical? how can another person decide whether a child or fetus lives or not. however on the other side is that that fetus does not even know it is alive. almost all governments around the world have made abortion of a fetus over 28 weeks illegal. this has come forth through public opinion. In USA abortion of the fetus below the age of 28 was legalized in 1970. However the abortion does not only depend of the age of the fetus but also the health of it. if the fetus may grow into a unhealthy baby abortion beyond 28 weeks can be considered legal but is still in debate for its ethnicity. Can the baby survive when it is born, this can only be known in the later stage of pregnancy, if not should it face the harsh world or should it be killed. Both ways are correct because the baby may have the will power to do it but if not, then one would be doing it a favor by killing before it is born. Abortion depends from person to person, one may not think of the fetus as a living thing but another may think of it a soul. Abortion is not a false dilemma where it is completey right or completely wrong. There are other factors determining the ethnicity of abortion.

Another question that arises is that even though there are so many campaigns held that try and teach the public about family planning and ways how to prevent unwanted pregnancy, the public does not seem to be learning anything. Is the government wasting away its resources when it can spend in other ways? Abortion is not just limited to the debate of whether a fetus can be killed or not, abortion is something that man has been doing for ages and can cause a lot of unwanted desire like the selling of the unwanted child, abandoning it or making him or her do labour work. Abortion is a big concept which requires one to not only have a medical background but also a psychological background to understand it.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

On May 31st Air France flying from Rio de Janeiro to Paris crashed in the location known as the Bermuda Triangle. The plane was said to be ripped apart in mid air and the crash land in the Amazon Jungle. No passengers had survived and for some time it was a mystery why the plane had an accident. There were some theories involving the crash. Investigators have focused on the possibility that external speed monitors — called Pitot tubes — iced over and gave false readings to the plane's computers. The other possibility is the belief of some supernatural activity that had been occurring in the Bermuda Triangle zone. Here several plane and ships had mysteriously disappeared without and idea of how or why.

The Bermuda Triangle, is a region in the western part of the North Atlantic Ocean in which a number of aircraft and ships are alleged to have disappeared in mysterious circumstances which fall beyond the boundaries of human causes like piracy or mechanical failure. These circumstances are said to be of supernatural or extraterrestrial causes. Even though this may think to be one of the causes of the crash of the plane there is still no physical evidence of these forces. There have been radio signals, which were transmitted just before the plane had crashed. These signals point out a fault of the rudder limiter a mechanism that limits how far the plane's rudder can move. The speculation is that if the rudder moved out too much while the plane was travelling at a high velocity the air resistive force could rip off the rudder sending the plane to plummet to the ground. However a industry official, said the error message pertaining to the limiter didn't indicate it malfunctioned, but rather that it had locked itself in place because of the conflicting speed readings.

The reason for the planes crash is not yet clearly known. There are several possibilities responsible for the plane to have an accident. It is necessary to know the reason for such types of crashes as then aircraft manufacturers can build better and safer plane in the future