Wednesday, December 9, 2009

We hear everyday of accidents occurring, but usually the cause is limited to rash driving or the driver loosing control of his vehicle. However when I went to get my drivers license from the Regional Transport Office, I learnt that it is less of the driver and more of the officials looking after those who are authorized to give license to new drivers who are responsible for these accidents.

Very few people undergo formal training of driving before officially becoming a lerned driver. During the theoretical testing process, there were people who were cheating and getting the correct answers. The test was only of road signs but without knowing the signs a person cannot be expected to drive properly. There were officials who were conducting the test but they did not do any thing about the cheating that was going on. This enraged me but I still could not do anything as no one would listen to me.

Everyday there are new breakthroughs in road safety but no one realizes that maximum road safety can be achieved by training new drivers first and then concentrating on unforeseen situation in which there are chances of accidents.

Car simulators can be used to give experience and improve ones driving skill. There are games for doctors who can perform a surgery in a virtual environment to have some understanding in real time situations. The newly developed chaos theory has applications in these games to prepare the doctors for every situation as with every virtual stitch or cut made to the virtual patient the equation of the game changes. These simulators can be of excellent use to test new learners.

Driving cars is like an art, even though there may set theories or rules, things can change at any instant. Due to this reason the officials need to know who is capable enough to not only keep himself safe but also keep others around him safe. Improvements need to be made in the system of the Regional Transport Office in the selection process of individuals.

In conclusion I would like to say a counter argument can be that even though I may think that the process is faulty, I got my license through a private coach and I do not know the governmental procedures but till where I have seen, I feel the process is still inadequate.