Wednesday, April 29, 2009

emotion v/s reason

Choosing to live in a world without emotion or to live in a world without reason. This may seem like a simple choice to make but in reality it is not. For a person to choose either reason or emotion above the other is a foolish choice to do. In my view one should live a balanced life in which one should know when his reason should be driving him or his emotion. Using emotions may be a more common way of living life. A person does not question what his actions have caused until he has done it. For example if my parents do not allow me to go out on a Friday night, I will get angry and start breaking things to show my disapproval of their decision. However while I am performing the action of destroying things, I do not think for 1 bit that breaking things is not the right answer since my parents will still not let me go out. It is only after that I have broken several things that I say to my self I should never have done that. Here my anger has taken control over my body. Had I reasoned out before why my parents have not allowed me to go out I would have had a better chance of going out that night. Another example is on seeing a spider in the house one does get afraid and kill it. What that person does not think is that that spider is the cause there are not other insects in my house. The spider is the natural predator of the housefly and other insects. Had the person not killed the spider, there would have been less flies around the house.  However looking at emotion and reason from a different angle, I can say that many of the scientific discoveries are due to the fact that the scientists were inspired or frustrated that they could not get the correct theory or answer. Emotion was the driving factor that caused them to stay up day and night to get the correct theory. Gregor Mendel was inspired to study variation in plants. This inspiration caused him to study plants and inheritance. Due to him today we know much of genetic inheritance. Hence we need both emotion and reason in our daily lives and not just either one.  

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