Tuesday, April 28, 2009

james lang theory- reflection

The James Lang states that we emote through physical changes that occur in our body. I do not completely agree with this theory. In my view this theory like all theories in science need some exceptions. For example Newton’s laws of motions only hold true only if the mass of the object is constant and the object doe not reach the speed of light. It may be possible for us to force ourselves to feel happy or sad when we want to feel that way. An example to support the statement would be that if one sees a snake in his or her home, he or she would get scared only because he will run away. The act of running away is the physical change occurring and the emotion produced is fear. However I can say in contrast to this statement that he had seen a snake eating another animal therefore he was afraid of being eaten and to prevent that from happening he ran away. These two examples comprise of both the act of running away and having the fear of emotion. However which comes first is the question. This theory may hold true for some situations but may not hold true for others. A person may want to smile in a dull situation but from inside he still is feeling sad. The outer smile he puts up does not make the inner sadness go away. 

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